Ferpi > News > Cosa fanno gli studenti inglesi di relazioni pubbliche quando finiscono l'università?

Cosa fanno gli studenti inglesi di relazioni pubbliche quando finiscono l'università?


Ecco uno studio della Ferpi britannica sulla questione. Ce lo racconta Luca Furlano.

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il 9 febbraio 2006 su Profile Online ed è frutto di una ricerca svolta dall'autore per Gerald Chan (Head of Education).Clicca qui per visualizzare la presentazione multimediale dello studio (.pdf)."First Destination paves way to a bright future"
A CIPR survey predicts a bright future for students graduating from courses approved by the institute. The First Destination Survey, which provides information about employment after graduation, has revealed 77 per cent of PR graduates find jobs in the industry within six months of completing study.
 The 2005 survey comprised responses from 200 students from six bachelor, postgraduate, diploma and master level courses, revealing 86 per cent of graduates secured a permanent position. Of those surveyed, 80 per cent were female. The results also showed 64.5 per cent of respondents were not CIPR members, presenting a challenge for the institute to recruit more student members.
 More importantly, the figures showed that 77 per cent of PR graduates were employed, 5.5 per cent were job seekers and three per cent were completing further studies. The remaining 14.5 per cent were undertaking unrelated activities such as travelling or taking a gap year.
 More than half the graduates who secured employment worked for consultancies, while 44.1 per cent worked in-house, and 1.3 per cent of graduates were freelancers. These results represented a new employment trend compared with the CIPR's 2003 and 2004 survey findings in which the majority of PR graduates were in-house practitioners. The findings suggest PR agencies are recognising the benefits of recruiting PR graduates.
 The survey also revealed growth in PR jobs outside the city, with 45.6 per cent of graduates working in regions of the United Kingdom, 31.4 per cent based in London and 5.4 per cent working overseas. 
 Of the 200 students surveyed, 137 provided salary information. The findings revealed 3.6 per cent of respondents earned less than £10,000 per year - usually through internships and temporary employment, 31.4 per cent earned between £10K and £15K per year and 46 per cent averaged between £16K and £20K per year. The remaining 19 per cent of graduates, almost one fifth of the sample, earned more than £20K per year.
 The "picture" we can paint from these survey findings is encouraging considering 77 per cent of students found a job within the first six months of graduating. The survey findings show many opportunities arise for students from CIPR approved courses after completing studies. 
These findings, together with a report by the CIPR and Centre for Economics and Business Research forecasting continued growth in the industry during the next five years, suggest growing demand for fully trained PR graduates. The CIPR is working to attract more student members to increase the institute's long-term membership in the future.