Esce la nuova edizione di "The European Public Affairs Directory"
Un indispensabile strumento professionale per entrare in contatto con i principali decision-maker dell'Unione Europea.
The European Public Affairs Directory is the indispensable professional tool for anyone wanting to contact close to 15,000 top European decision-makers in Brussels and the European Union.You will find the name and title of the appropriate person, their address, telephone and fax number, as well as their e-mail, website and area of specialisation. Entries are 100% meticulously updated, giving you the most up-to-date information possible. So no more calling obsolete numbers or trying to get hold of a person who has moved on. First published in 1990, the Directory brings you a wealth of essential contacts such as key people in corporations, EU institutions, trade associations and NGOs, as well as law firms, consultancies and media.
Various indexes are included to facilitate your search for a given person, organisation, acronym or area of specialisation. The Directory also gives you information on the role of the EU institutions, maps to find your way around them and calendars of their events. New features to the 2006 edition of The European Public Affairs Directory include:
easy-to-use contact details of the Assistants to Members of the European Parliament;
contact details of the Bulgarian and Romanian observers in the European Parliament;
contact details of all the Brussels-based European affairs executives from the 10 New Member States, including regional representations, media, Missions, lawyers;
expanded information on the media covering EU affairs in Brussels.
For a complete index of this report click here. ________________________________________________Report Index: Corporate:
European Trade and Professional Associations
Interest Groups
Chambers of Commerce
National Employers' Federations
Think Tanks & Training
Labour Unions
International Organisations
Law Firms
National Trade and Professional Associations
National Associations of Chambers of Commerce
Press Agencies in Brussels
Media covering the EU:
European Media
Media of EU Member States
Media of other Countries
Commission of the European CommunitiesThe new European ParliamentCouncil of the European UnionDiplomatic Missions Accredited to the European UnionEuropean AgenciesEuropean Union InformationEuropean Online InformationEssentials to the European Public AffairsUseful NumbersIndexes______________________________________________Pricing: Hard Copy EUR 135 Ordering - Three easy ways to place your order:1] Order online2] Order by fax: Print an Order form and Fax to +353 1 4100 9803] Order by mail: Print an Order form and post to "Research and Markets Ltd. Guinness Center, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8. Ireland.