Ferpi > News > Euprera 2008 Congress: Call for Papers and IPR Prize

Euprera 2008 Congress: Call for Papers and IPR Prize

Euprera, FERPI and IULM University remind that the 2008 Euprera Congress will take place in Milan on October 16-18 at IULM University Campus.
The theme will be “Institutionalizing Public Relations and Corporate Communication”.
Here attached you'll find:
-          Call for papers and Congress information (click here to download).
Please notice the deadline for abstracts submission is December 1st 2007.
The address for abstract submission and information is euprera2008@iulm.it
-          Press release about the Special Prize awarded by the IPR (Institute for Public Relations) (click here to download):
The “Personal Influence Model of Public Relations”.
Any accepted paper that explicitly addresses the prize will be eligible.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and to meeting you at the congress.
Emanuele Invernizzi, IULM University
Toni Muzi Falconi, FERPI
Institute for Public Relations Special Award Challenges EUPRERA 2008 Milano Congress Contributors to Explore Personal Influence Model
A special prize for the best new research on the personal influence model of public relations will be awarded at the 2008 EUPRERA (European Association for Public Relations Research & Education) World Congress. The Institute for Public Relations will fund the 500 Euro award.
The Congress will be held in Milano, Italy from October 16-18, 2008, organized by FERPI (Italian Federation of Public Relations) and IULM University. The call for papers requires submission of abstracts by December 1, 2007. Any accepted paper that explicitly addresses the personal influence model in the context of the Congress theme, "Institutionalizing Public Relations and Corporate Communications," will be eligible for the prize.
"The personal influence model describes the predominant use of relationships with strategic individuals to achieve public relations objectives as the major factor in a professional's contribution to the organization," said Frank Ovaitt, President and CEO of the Institute. "This model appears worldwide in practice, but there is all too little research-based knowledge about it."
"We hope this prize will further stimulate cooperation between the key US and European organizations dedicated to PR research and education, and between scholars and professionals as well," said EUPRERA President Inger Jensen.
Congress organizers Emanuele Invernizzi (IULM) and Toni Muzi Falconi (FERPI) also announced the signing of three main sponsors, Enel, Monte dei Paschi and Telecom Italia. "The foundations are being laid for a truly memorable 2008 Congress, challenging both scholars and professionals to analyse recent developments in the theory of the firm and the increasing value of effectively managed public relations and communication," said Muzi Falconi.
A special EUPRERA peer review committee will choose the winning paper among those submitted by scholars, researchers and graduate students.
EUPRERA (www.euprera.org) is the European Association for Public Relations Education and Research. 
The Institute for Public Relations (www.instituteforpr.org) is an independent US-based nonprofit dedicated to the science beneath the art of public relations.™ 
FERPI (www.ferpi.it) is the Italian Federation of Public Relations.
IULM (www.iulm.it ) is a Milano based University whose public relations degree course was the first to be implemented in Italy since 1993.