3 May is World Press Freedom Day. The IPRA inspired International Charter for Media Transparency is a major contribution by our Institute to promote the freedom of the press. The Charter stands for the freedom of the exercise of the professional editorial judgement of every journalist - print or electronic, radio, television, web. No editorial should be the a result of any payment in cash or in kind, or barter by a third party. Any editorial that does appears as a result of a payment in cash or in kind, or barter by a third party should be clearly identified as advertising or a paid promotion. The Charter calls on publishers to prepare a policy statement - publicly available - regarding the receipt of gifts or discounted products and services from third parties by their journalists and other staff. The Charter has been adopted by media organisations + in at least 115 countries + representing at least half a million editors, media executives and journalists. And in public relations, + by practitioners in more than 100 countries + by 50 national and international public relations associations + by 850 public relations consultancies + by an estimated 250 thousand practitioners worldwide. More information is available at http://ipra.org/campaigns/media transparency.More information about World Press Freedom Day at http://www.worldpressfreedomday.org/I suggest 3 May is an opportunity to promote this positive contribution of IPRA to media governance and IPRA and its members in your country.Richard LinningIPRA Board Member, Co Chair Campaign for Media TransparencyEcco il messaggio che abbiamo ricevuto dall'IPRA in merito all'impegno dell'Associazione per la libertà di Stampa e la trasparenza dei Media.