Il ROI delle sponsorizzazioni supera quello della pubblicità tradizionale
Secondo uno studio americano le sponsorizzazioni possono produrre risultati migliori della pubblicità tradizionale. In particolare se si tratta di raggiungere pubblici molto sfuggenti. (Articolo in inglese)
January 08, 2007By STEVE MCCLELLANAt a time when growing numbers of consumers try to avoid commercial messages anyway they can, new research shows that so-called "true" online sponsorship programs (one client; no hard sell) generate significantly better results for marketers in terms of intent to purchase, brand recognition and ROI than traditional ads.
A new study being published this week in the Journal of Advertising Research tracked 28 separate Internet sponsorship trials by marketers such as Intel, Sony and Volvo. It found that on average the sponsoring brand received a lift in "intent to purchase" seven times greater than the typical TV spot, said veteran media researcher Bill Harvey of TRA Inc. and a co-author of the study.
Sponsors also realized far greater ROI levels than those achieved by regular spot advertisers in TV, radio and print, said Harvey.
In separate programs, Sony and Intel sponsored online courses teaching people how to be better digital photographers. In both cases, for every dollar spent on the sponsorship (the programs were produced by third parties), the marketer received $50 in retail spending. By comparison, ROI for traditional media ads is roughly 2-to-1, according to MMA, a unit of Aegis that analyzes marketing models.
"The reality is that much of advertising doesn't work," said Harvey. But sponsorship appears to be a "precious subspecies" with proven results.
"When a consumer is given good content and there's no catch and no spots, it causes a stop-and-look-again effect," he added.
Harvey said that studies have shown TV sponsorship to be more effective at boosting intent to purchase and brand recognition levels than regular TV ads. But the best of those studies are more than a decade old. Given all the changes the medium has seen in that time, he intends to do new research looking at TV sponsorship effectiveness later this year.Da AdWeek ( Sponsorships Yield Superior ROI