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Al via #GlobalPR


Michela de Faveri

Al via #GlobalPR, un'ulteriore finestra sulle Relazioni Pubbliche internazionali segnalando eventi, articoli, workshop notizie interessanti sul mondo della comunicazione che arrivano da oltre confine.

FERPI apre GlobalPR una finestra sulle Relazioni Pubbliche internazionali segnalando eventi, articoli, workshop notizie interessanti sul mondo della comunicazione che arrivano da oltre confine.

Questa iniziativa vuole offrire uno spazio dal quale trarre spunto e stimolo per approfondire, confrontare, conoscere il mondo della comunicazione attraverso la lente del panorama internazionale.

Gli articoli saranno in lingua originale (spesso inglese), con una breve introduzione che ne contestualizza l’argomento e sempre identificati da #GlobalPR  in modo da facilitarne la ricerca.

Cominciamo dando voce ad un’iniziativa di Global Alliance indetta per il mese di ottobre 2023:  lo “Student and Young Practitioner Month” una serie di incontri online dedicati a giovani professionisti delle Relazioni Pubbliche per favorirne la pratica nel mondo delle PR e della comunicazione.

I seminari sono divisi per aree geografiche Asia e Pacifico 24 ottobre; Africa e Europa 25 ottobre; America Latina e America del Nord 27 ottobre.

Un’ottima opportunità per avvicinarsi a questo mondo e comprendere meglio questa meravigliosa professione.

Buona lettura!  

Global Alliance celebrates “Student and Young Practitioner Month” this October

The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management is coming up with a series of online activities to celebrate “Student and Young Practitioner Month” this October.

The online activities, which fall under the KNow Movement campaign, are meant to serve as a platform where Global Alliance can share timely and relevant information about the industry, and provide students and young professionals like you with a platform to help advance your PR and communications practice.
In line with this, we would like to invite you to our live streaming events, dubbed “Jobs World” and “Career World,” which will feature a series of panel discussions where industry experts will be asked to share their thoughts about the latest trends in the industry today. They will also share their experiences while working in PR-related industries like investor relations, marketing, and similar other fields.
For those keen in pursuing a career in PR and communications management, regional member institutions from Global Alliance will likewise share openings for job vacancies and opportunities for internship in their respective regions.

These events, which will be held via Zoom and will have resource speakers from various regions, will be undertaken simultaneously for 3 days beginning on Tuesday, October 24, up to Friday, October 27. Below are the schedules per region:
Since slots are limited, the organizers would like to request an RSVP. Please register using these links:

Asia Pacific Region

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023 at 16:00 Kuala Lumpur
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CYLzLF_URsa0cvL7IR-aig

Africa and Europe Region
When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023 at 15:00 London
Topic: Career World - Student and Young Practitioner Month - Africa and Europe
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_W3vbNiKDQBa1t-l9krB6oA

Latin and North America Region
When: Friday, 27 October 2023 at 16:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Career World Webinar - Student and Young Practitioner Month - Latin and North America
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JrLcNnhzS-O5-Db7UIJz7Q

You can watch the Student and Young Practitioner Month video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60hSWkIl2x0&t=6s
For more details about the event, you can visit the following link: https://www.globalalliancepr.org/student-young-practitioner-month

