Edelman trust barometer 2007
Aziende più credibili di media e istituzioni in 13 paesi su 18
Dal sito www.edelman.com January 22, 2007, New York
Business is more trusted than either government or media in every region of the globe, according to the eighth annual Edelman Trust Barometer, a survey of 3,100 opinion leaders that measures trust in institutions, companies, and sources of information in 18 countries.
Business is more credible than government or media in 13 of the 18 countries surveyed in 2007. The survey also found that more respondents in 16 of 18 countries felt that companies have more of a positive impact on society than a negative impact.
In the United States, 53% of respondents report trusting business, which marks an all-time high for the survey. This is a recovery from a low of 44% in 2002, which came in the wake of the Enron and WorldCom debacles. In the three largest economies of Western Europe, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, trust in business stands at 34%, which is higher than trust in media and government at 25% and 22% respectively. The 2007 survey marks the lowest levels ever of trust in government across these three European countries.
In Latin America, represented in the survey by Brazil and Mexico, trust in business is at 68% while trust in media stands at 62% and government at 37%. Asian trust in business is 60%, while government and media are both at 55%. China, Japan, India, and South Korea represent the Asian nations in this year's survey.
In three of the four fast-growing developing nations known as the "BRIC" countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), business is trusted more than government, media or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In China, business is trusted by 67% of respondents but trails government, which is trusted by 78%. Russia, where the survey finds respondents tend to be much less trusting of institutions generally, is the only BRIC country where a minority of respondents, 39%, trusts business, but they trust it more than government (32%) or media (35%).
In the 2007 survey, (NGOs) are either the most credible institution or tied for the most credible institution in 10 of 18 countries. This puts NGOs even with business, which also leads or ties for most trusted in seven of 18 countries. In the 2006 survey, NGOs were the most trusted in seven of 11 nations surveyed.
"Business is seeing a rebound in trust because of strong economic growth, visible consequences for executive malfeasance, and success in solving problems facing society." said Richard Edelman, president and CEO of Edelman. "Business has a clear opportunity to assume a leadership role on major issues, from climate change to privacy."
"A person like me" is the most trusted spokesperson across the European Union, North America, and Latin America. In Asia, it is second to physicians. For the second consecutive year, "a person like me" or a peer is the most trusted spokesperson in the United States at 51%. A peer is tied with doctors as the most trusted messenger across the big three economies of Europe, at 45%.
CEOs are trusted by only 18% of opinion leaders in Europe's three largest economies (the United Kingdom, France, and Germany), the lowest rating ever recorded in the survey within this group of nations. In the United States, 22% of respondents trust CEOs. In the United States, 36% trust an average employee, while in the three largest economies of Europe 28% trust these employees, making rank-and-file employees more trusted than CEOs in both the United States and Europe.
"The growing trust in people like me' and average employees means that companies must design their communications as much on the horizontal or the peer-to-peer axis as on the vertical or top-down axis," said David Brain, CEO of Edelman Europe. "CEOs should continue to talk with elites, such as investors and regulators, but also provide critical information to employees and enthusiastic consumers who spur the peer-to-peer discussion. Third parties with credentials, like academics and physicians, are also critical."
The 2007 Edelman Trust Barometer's other key findings include:
· Five years after Wall Street's stock research scandals, trust in "stock or industry analyst reports" in the United States is 47%, up from 26% in 2003. In 12 countries, stock or industry research is either the most credible or second most credible source of information about a company.
· In 11 of 18 countries, business magazines are the most or second most trusted source of information about a company.
· In many countries, "conversations with friends and peers" is as trusted a source of information about a company as "articles in newspapers" or "television news coverage." For example, within the nine European Union countries surveyed, 44% trust conversations with friends and peers while 33% trust articles in newspapers.
· In every region (EU, Asia, North America, Latin America), respondents most often named "shares a common interest with you" as one of the top three characteristics that would increase their trust in a person sharing information about a company. In no region did religion, race, or nationality list among the top three attributes of a peer.
· Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have grown in stature dramatically in Asia. Trust in NGOs in China has increased from 31% in 2004 to 56% today; from 42% in 2005 to 55% in Japan; and from 39% to 46% in South Korea in the last 12 months.
· At least 70% of respondents in North America (71%) and Asia (72%) state that global business plays a role that no other institution can in addressing major social and environmental challenges. Fifty-seven percent in the European Union and 63% in Latin America also believe this to be true.
· Trailing only "providing quality products or services," undertaking "socially responsible activities" is universally seen as the most important action an organization can to do to build trust. "Socially responsible activities" surpassed providing "a fair price for products or services," "attentiveness to customers" and "good labor relations" in most markets.
· For the third straight year, American brands operating in Europe continue to receive a trust discount. For example, McDonald's is trusted by 60% of respondents in the United States and by only 26% across the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. However, American brands are trusted in the developing world, with McDonald's trusted by 75% of Chinese respondents and 66% of Brazilian respondents.
· The survey found that multinational brands receive significantly more trust in their home country. The United States gives top scores to UPS (83%). In France, the second-highest trust score is Danone (69%). In Japan, the highest score goes to Nissan (79%), and in India it is Tata (89%).
· Technology is the most trusted sector in each region. The industry is trusted by 79% of Asians, 80% of Latin Americans, 72% of Europeans, and 75% of North Americans. The biotechnology and healthcare sectors also receive high trust marks globally.
· Companies headquartered in Sweden and Canada are the most trusted globally; Brazilian, Mexican and Russian companies are the least trusted.
· Traditional media sources such as newspapers, TV, and radio remain more credible than new media sources such as a company's own Web site and blogs.
· In all four regions surveyed (the European Union, North America, Asia, and Latin America), respondents reported higher trust in their own CEO than in CEOs generally. For example, within North America, 31% of respondents said they trusted their own CEO, compared to 22% who report trusting CEOs generally.