Ferpi > News > Gestire la comunicazione dall'interno: una conferenza di Ipr
Gestire la comunicazione dall'interno: una conferenza di Ipr
Per chi vuole continuare l'aggiornamento sulla comunicazione interna o per chi non ha potuto partecipare all'incontro Ferpi di Milano, ecco una importante opportunità inglese.Per prenotazioni consultare www.ipr.org.uk
Date: Monday 28 June 2004Venue: Copthorne Tara Hotel, Scarsdale Place, London, W8 5SRThe internal communicator's day is here...There is a direct link between business performance and the way an organisation manages its people. This is not a new idea. The internal communicator plays a crucial role in managing change, maintaining employee confidence, and motivating and informing the workforce to help organisations achieve corporate goals and deliver results.Perhaps surprisingly then, good people management - made possible by internal communicators - has been under-reported. This is about to change with the introduction of non-financial reporting: whereby companies are required by law to publish, alongside their annual report, details of their intangible assets such as employee stability, loyalty and satisfaction.In addition to having to report on the quality of their people management, new legislation - the Information and Consultation Directive, which comes into force in 2005 - will mean large companies must communicate with their employees on the way they run their business.The internal communicator's day is here. Not only are the links between business success and excellence in employee communications being recognised, establishing internal communications strategic board-level function, but internal communicators will be responsible for implementing the changes to existing strategy in line with the new regulation.This one day conference will look at:
How new developments will influence the world of internal communications
IPR survey findings - how companies are preparing for the EU legislation
Communicating change to employees worldwide
How to inform and involve staff in an organisation's vision and values
Engaging and motivating staff through recognition and reward
Good and bad examples of change communications
Giving internal communication a place
Aligning internal and external communication
Ecco il programma dettagliato.