Ferpi > News > IPRA a Bruxelles presenta il suo Codice di Condotta per i Public Affairs, definito Code of Bruxelles
IPRA a Bruxelles presenta il suo Codice di Condotta per i Public Affairs, definito Code of Bruxelles
In occasione dell'insediamento del nuovo Presidente Philip Sheppard che è avvenuto l'altro giorno a Bruxelles, l'International Public Relations Association (IPRA) ha presentato in un evento pubblico il suo nuovo codice di condotta relativo ai Public Affairs e, in particolare, ai rapporti con il processo decisionale pubblico.E' un documento cui sono vincolati gli oltre 1000 soci dell'associazione ma che dovrebbe essere adottato da tutte le Associazioni Nazionali, FERPI compresa.
Code of Brussels for the conduct of Public Affairs worldwide 2007
RECALLING the Code of Venice 1961 and the Code of Athens 1965, of the International Public Relations Association, which together specify an undertaking of ethical conduct by public relations practitioners worldwide;RECALLING that the Code of Athens binds public relations practitioners to respect the Charter of the United Nations which reaffirms "its faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person"; RECALLING that the Code of Athens binds public relations practitioners to observe the moral principles and rules of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"; RECALLING that public affairs is one discipline undertaken by public relations practitioners; RECALLING that the conduct of public affairs provides essential democratic representation to public authorities; This Code of Brussels is a code of ethical conduct applying to public relations practitioners worldwide as they conduct public affairs and interact with public authorities including staff and public representatives.In the conduct of public affairs, practitioners shall: 1. IntegrityAct with honesty and integrity at all times so as to secure the confidence of those with whom the practitioner comes into contact;2. TransparencyBe open and transparent in declaring their name, organisation and the interest they represent;3. DialogueEstablish the moral, psychological and intellectual conditions for dialogue, and recognise the rights of all parties involved to state their case and express their views;4. AccuracyTake all reasonable steps to ensure the truth and accuracy of all information provided to public authorities;5. FalsehoodNot intentionally disseminate false or misleading information, and shall exercise proper care to avoid doing so unintentionally and correct any such act promptly;6. DeceptionNot obtain information from public authorities by deceptive or dishonest means;7. ConfidentialityHonour confidential information provided to them;8. InfluenceNeither propose nor undertake any action which would constitute an improper influence on public authorities;9. InducementNeither directly nor indirectly offer nor give any financial or other inducement to members of public authorities or public representatives; 10. ConflictAvoid any professional conflicts of interest and to disclose such conflicts to affected parties when they occur;11. ProfitNot sell for profit to third parties copies of documents obtained from public authorities;12. EmploymentOnly employ personnel from public authorities subject to the rules and confidentiality requirements of those authorities.SanctionsPractitioners shall co-operate with fellow members in upholding this Code and agree to abide by and help enforce the disciplinary procedures of the InternationalScarica qui il codice in .doc.