Ferpi > News > Le prospettive europee delle Rp: se ne parla in Lituania a fine aprile
Le prospettive europee delle Rp: se ne parla in Lituania a fine aprile
A Vilnius, in Lituania, il prossimo 23 aprile si svolge la "VILNIUS COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE: European Perspectives in Communication and Public Relations". Per chi si prenota entro il 10 marzo, uno sconto del 15 per cento.
Ecco le specifiche dell'evento:
An international communication conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 23 April 2004 will discuss European perspectives in communication and public relations in view of the expanding European Union. Communication professionals from Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and UK will present current trends and issues and share best practices.
How will communication practices change both in the current and new member states? What spheres of communication and PR will be affected by the enlargement most and in what way? How will we communicate within the single European area where national boundaries will be of low importance?
Held one week before the historic EU enlargement, Vilnius Communication Conference will serve as a forum for communication professionals to discuss the current situation as well as European perspectives in PR and cover the following topics:
Public affairs, lobbying and political communication
Corporate social responsibility
Media relations
Communication at a local, national and global level.
For more information about Vilnius Communication Conference programme, registration form, etc. please see the attachment and visit the conference website: http://www.vcc.lt
Make sure to benefit from the 15% discount on the conference fee available before 10 March!