Toni Muzi Falconi
Un post "a caldo", carico di emozioni. Toni Muzi Falconi commenta la IX edizione di InspiringPR che si è conclusa la scorsa settimana a Venezia.
This post is highly personal and has not been reviewed by anyone else, save its author.
After 82 years of deep emotions expressed in many thousands of posts, articles, lessons, documents, books and expressions... I dare say that the most recent edition of Inspiring PR (Venice 5-6 May 2023) has achieved my utmost satisfaction in terms of contents and learnings.
I will be forever grateful to FERPI’s newly elected President (Filippo Nani), to Vincenzo Manfredi, to Biagio Oppi and to all the hundreds of colleagues, young, middle aged, old who with me actively participated in this year’s edition of Inspiring PR for having allowed me to taste and digest such excellence and passion.
At its best I would suggest the effort to review some of the highest moments of this event, even considering that not all of them are necessarily in English (all short however).
InspiringPR’ theme this year was EMOTIONS.
Suit yourself. It’s all great to watch and listen to.
But if you at least retrieve the episode dedicated to the Labyrinth, my very short interview on ‘slowing down’ and AI with Jim Macnamara, together with a longer interview with him I will hope to be presenting in Bled in a few weeks.
More specifically, if you follow the superb presentation by Francesco Rotolo. You will truly understand the level that Public Relations has reached in my country.
Do yourself a favour.