I colleghi dell'Ukraina protestano contro la censura, la corruzione e i comportamenti dei colleghi a
Public Relations Association of Ukraine - Open Letter
We, the undersigned professional public relations practitioners and members of the Public Relations Association of Ukraine, join the public protest of Ukrainians to express our indignation and concern at the concerted efforts of the Government and State authorities of Ukraine to control the dissemination of information on current events in Ukraine.
We oppose the pressure by Government and State authorities on the mass media and the attempted manipulation of public opinion. We oppose the prejudiced coverage candidates in the run up to the election, the events surrounding the mass protest that followed the announcement of election results of November 21st and the deliberate distortion of the will of the Ukrainian public.
As public relations professionals, we disavow the explicitly corrupt practices employed by people serving the incumbent authorities. We consider that they disgrace our public relations profession and contradict all norms of professional ethics.
The incumbent authorities have:- Exercised unacceptable financial and pressured control over the mass media especially in the East of Ukraine, to disseminate biased and false information regarding the candidates during the election and events that have followed. This action does not accurately reflect reality and greatly influences the free thinking of the people of Ukraine.
- Totally ignored the reaction of the international community, thus casting doubts on the validity of the existing foreign policy of Ukraine
- Positioned Ukraine as a country where public opinion is subject to the will of the authorities and a small group of unelected power brokers.
PR practitioners carry on their shoulders enormous responsibility for the processing and shaping of public information. Realizing this, we call on all organizations and individuals practicing public relations, as well as the international mass media, to join this initiative and to do everything possible to ensure that all peoples inside and outside Ukraine have access to a fair and a comprehensive coverage of the important events that are taking place in Ukraine and shaping the future of this nation, the region and Europe.
On behalf of the working group of Public Relations Association of Ukraine,
Yaryna Klyuchkovska, Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine Yaryna.Klyuchkovska@metro.ua Ludmyla Datsenko, Ogilvy One l_datsenko@ogilvyone.ru Natalia Popovych, PRP Weber Schandwick npopovych@prp.com.ua Ivetta Delikatnaya, Talan Proximity ivdelikatnaya@talanproximity.kiev.ua Myroslaw Kohut, , Romyr & Associates myroslawk@romyr.com.ua Martin Nunn, Whites International Martin.Nunn@wipr.com.ua Oleg Strelnikov, FKG oleg@fkg.kiev.ua Ludmila Krechmer, Key Communications krechmer@keycommunications.com.ua Mikhail Krikunov, IIB krikunov@iib.com.ua and other public relations professionalsAnna Honcharyk, IFC AHoncharyk@ifc.org Olesya Zhulynska, Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine olesya.zhulynska@cchbc.com Yelena Lobova, Talan Proximity yelobova@talanproximity.kiev.ua Irina Novikova, Talan Proximity inovikova@talanproximity.kiev.ua Oksana Hoshva, Key Communications goshva@keycommunications.com.ua Vadym Chernyshov, Key Communications chernyshov@keycommunications.com.ua Inessa Rogovska, Key Communications rogovska@keycommunications.com.ua