Ferpi > News > Nuova Delhi ospita il prossimo Global Summit dell'ICCO - International Communications Consultancy Or

Nuova Delhi ospita il prossimo Global Summit dell'ICCO - International Communications Consultancy Or


‘Forget Best Practices, Think Next Practices' il titolo del convegno in programma il 5 e 6 ottobre 2006.

5th-6th OctoberAt The Grand News DelhiNew Delhi, India Under the theme, 'Forget Next Practices, Think Next Practices', the ICCO has created a Summit that will explore what new skills and resources PR agencies will require in the future, if they are to take advantage of the new opportunities being created by the shift in influence from West to East, and, more importantly, if they are to remain relevant to their clients.Primary discussion topics at the Summit will centre around the new services and capabilities that will be required; new ways for attracting and retaining talent; and new methods of collaboration. Other discussion topics will focus on the changing face of India and how to capitalise on the opportunities arising in India and China.As part of a more pragmatic approach to its Summits, the ICCO has asked its local organising partner, the PRCAI, to host an agency matchmaking' session whilst a management consultant has been tasked with capturing all the knowledge created at the Summit and making it available after the event to the delegates' staff.And in a final break from tradition, the ICCO Global Summit will include presentations on Inner Peace from Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, whilst Jamling Norgay, the son of Tensing Norgay will describe 'his fathers' quest to conquer Mount Everest.
For more information about the summit, please visit its dedicated website: http://www.iccosummitindia.com/ or contact the ICCO Secretary General at simon@iccopr.com.