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Sull'ospitalità: esce un report molto interessante sull'importanza delle politiche di ospitalità azi


come fattore chiave di successo e nell'accezione più ampia del termine.

In quest'ottica la "corporate hospitality" può essere determinante nel costruire e cementare una ricca rete di relazioni. Un'analisi approfondita delle best practices nella gestione dell'ospitalità e dei fattori che si nascondono dietro un evento ospitale di successo, ricordando che acquisire un nuovo cliente costa cinque volte di più che mantenere quelli vecchi.Ecco alcuni stralci dell'Hospitality report di Research and Market:Hospitality is no longer just about entertaining clients. Its about maximising your return on investment. It costs five times as much to acquire a new client as it does to keep an existing one. Yet the majority of brand owners havent even begun to scratch the surface of using hospitality as a way of retaining and motivating clients or their own employees in any meaningful way.
This new report takes a hard look at the world of business entertainment from the point of view of the party picking up the tab.THIS INCISIVE AND TIMELY REPORT COVERS:The roots of the symbiotic hospitality and sport relationship,including new research on likely expenditures on hospitality to 2006

Using hospitality as an internal communications platform
Segmentation of markets and audiences as well as the rules of  segmentation
Customer relationship management including competitor analysis, relational development model and key account management
Measurement and research of hospitality, anatomy of a hospitality  strategy and legal, insurance and accounting issues.

How to apply customer segmentation techniques as a way of driving corporate hospitality
How to turn corporate hospitality into an effective part of a customer relationship management (CRM) programme
How to create a hospitality brief and procure an appropriate hospitality supplier
How to measure and evaluate corporate hospitality as a vital component of sports sponsorship.
Corporate entertaining and hospitality can be an effective way of creating networking opportunities and cementing business relationships, if a brand owner knows what it is doing. On the other hand, it can be a complete disaster in fact it can damage corporate reputation rather than strengthen it.
Corporate hospitality is almost always present whenever there is a majorm sponsorship, irrespective of the nature of that event or property.Hospitality is one of the key tools in activating and maximising the value of sponsorship investments.Given the dominant position that sport occupies in sponsorship, most corporate hospitality is connected withsport.Hospitality has become increasingly important, as the cost of customer acquisition has soared. It now costs about four to five times as much to acquire a new client as it does to keep an existing client. Face-to-face entertainment and hospitality has a vital role to play in developing andsustaining customer and employee relationships within business.
This report defines the best practice in the management of corporate hospitality and analyses the key factors behind successful hospitality events; whether using an officially appointed hospitality supplier, an independent hospitality supplier/agency or managing hospitality in-house.
The report utilises benchmark case studies, interviews with leading industry figures and new research to provide a comprehensive and practical guide to the hospitality industry
For a complete index of this report click onhttp://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c2223Report Index:
Chapter 1: The Roots of Hospitality & Sport
An analysis of the close relationship between sport and hospitality and an overview of the importance of corporate hospitality in modern business life.
Chapter 2: Audience Segmentation
Segmentation is a key building block for effective sports hospitality programmes.Without undertaking some form of segmentation analysis the brand owner is at a major disadvantage in terms of maximising value from its corporate hospitality investment.This chapter explains the importance of market (audience) segmentation and its relationship with the hospitalityprocess.
Chapter 3: Customer Relationship Management & Hospitality
Customer relationship management (CRM) is more than a management theory: it is a mindset and a methodology for brand owners by providing a route map in the way clients/customers need to be treated. The chapter includes an analysis of targeting, selecting and managing key accounts from a corporate hospitality viewpoint.
Chapter 4: Measurement & Research in Hospitality
Like other marketing disciplines, corporate hospitality can be measured across a range of criteria such as exposure (audience reach), awareness (meaning) and hospitality among corporate and employee guests on a qualitative and quantitative basis.The chapter examines feedback options,the pros and cons of self-completion questionnaires and the types of questions that brand owners should ask of their guests after the hospitality event. The chapter concludes with a review of the latest research on the hospitality industry, including a list of major sports events favoured byinvitees, the key success factors for corporate hospitality and measuring the return on investment from corporate hospitality expenditure.
Chapter 5: The Hospitality Procurement Process
The best practice in the procurement of hospitality whether using an officially appointed hospitality supplier connected with the event or rights holder, an independent hospitality supplier/agency or managing the hospitality programme in-house. This chapter has been broken down into headings to make it easier to check through best practice guidance against the hospitality checklist.The chapter provides guidance in how to review an existing hospitality supplier in a fair and objective manner.The decision process of whether to outsource or in-source is discussed, alongside thesteps required to put together a detailed hospitality brief.There is additional guidance in relation to organising a competitive pitch for selecting a hospitality supplier (or any type of supplier for that matter) and advice for all parties in how to prepare for such a meeting.There is a discussion of the roles, responsibilities and contractual obligations of each party to the other and key clauses are examined, such as the termination clause in a hospitality agreement.
Chapter 6: Anatomy of a Hospitality Strategy
This chapter is a comprehensive analysis of the hospitality strategic process from inception to post event analysis: it also puts hospitality in the context of wider marketing programme and examines how leading brand owners integrate hospitality within sports sponsorship. There is discussion on the increasing interest in so-called experiential hospitality where abrand owner creates a bespoke event in order to create a lasting memory and experience of the day.The chapter also contains practical tips such as sending out invitations as well as itemising what is usually included within a hospitality package bought from a hospitality supplier.
Chapter 7: Best Practice in Hospitality
A detailed analysis of the standard of hospitality delivered at major international and national events.The first half of the chapter focuses on the benchmark hospitality strategies of specific clients at the two major global sports events: the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games and 2002 FIFA World Cup.The second half of the chapter covers UK hospitality within motor racing, golf, tennis, cricket, rugby and horse racing. Each sport is examined for the benefits it delivers from a hospitality perspective as well as its relative strengths and weakness. An indication of the typical coststhatbrand owners can expect to pay for entertaining guests at such sporting events is also included.
Chapter 8: Employee Motivation & Internal Communication
Corporate hospitality programmes built around sporting events are not only valuable marketing and promotional tools, but also an integral part of any well designed and executed human resources policy.The chapter examines the role of hospitality in motivating employees and activating employee buy-in and participation in sports sponsorship. It also explains the theories that underpin best practice in employee motivation and hospitality
Chapter 9: Legal Issues
The key legal issues that every brand owner needs to know if looking to organise a client or employee hospitality event as part of a sports sponsorship programme.Topics covered include an analysis of the point at which excessive hospitality may be considered as bribery or corruption; when hospitality has to be declared to the Inland Revenue; and a hospitalitylegal issues checklist.
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