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Le pillole dal sito di Spinwatch.


Due articoli (in inglese) su come gli spin doctor manipolano il linguaggio e sull'influenza dello spin nelle statistiche ufficiali.

Ecco di seguito le segnalazioni da SpinWatch.orgHow Spindoctors Manipulate Language some Swiss Examples Judith Barben, 22 March 2006A spindoctor as stated in the programme to this conference is someone who distorts the truth. The term «spin» is borrowed from tennis where it means giving a spin to the ball in order to fool the opponent as to the direction in which the ball will fly. Spindoctors do much the same. They give a spin to a message in order to fool the public as to the direction in which some hidden agenda of theirs will lead.

Spin in official statisticsRay Thomas, 15 March 2006Statistics are more commonly linked to lies than to spin. Lying with statistics can usually be dealt with. Contrary evidence can usually be found. But the term spin captures problems with statistics that are more widespread than lies − and are more difficult to deal with.