Ethical Corporation Europe 2005 Conference: "POWER, PURPOSE, PERSONALITY andPERFORMANCE: Key issues for business in society in 2005"Power - Can a company be too big to be responsible?* Lobbying * Anti-trust * Life's essentials * Paying Tax * SupplierRelations * Fair Trade *Purpose - why are we doing this?* What Case for the Business Case? * Life without the Business Case *Mainstreaming Social and Environmental Risks * Emissions Trading *Pricing-in Tourism * Corruption and Conflict *Personality - leadership and building the right company culture* Corporate Irresponsibility: Nature or Nurture? * Gender and theResponsible Company Board * Internal Engagement and Ethics Communication *International Standards * NGO Engagement * Building Culture thatAdapts and Lasts *Performance - pushing to be and demonstrating that you are the best* Performance Management * Measuring the Unmeasurable * Crisis Management *Materiality and Non-Financial Reporting *Speakers include: John Kay (FT) * Citigroup * Microsoft * British Gas *Statoil * TNT Express * First Choice plc * Boots * Chubb * Hewlett-Packard *BSkyB * ABN Amro * Achilles Group Ltd * Cafe Direct * InternationalHerald-Tribune * Transparency International * Camelot* US Council on ForeignRelations * Professor Mary Kaldor - LSE * 10 Downing St * DEFRA * WWF *Oxfam * London Business School * Prof. Lawrence Mitchell (The Corporation) *The Guardian * The BBC * and many more.A Londra l'1 e 2 giugno la più grande conferenza europea sul corporate social responsability. Leggi i dettagli e le informazioni per iscriversi