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Parlare in pubblico e difendersy dai cyber-attacchi: due nuovi teleseminari PRSA

Stand and Deliver: Developing a Better SpeechFebruary 10, 20053:00 p.m. ETDuration: 1 hourLet's face it. For many of us, giving a speech is much like going to the dentist or mowing the lawn. Rarely, if ever, does it rank on our top ten list of favorite activities. However, with a few tips and techniques, you can make the process of creating and delivering a speech easier and more enjoyable. Designed for writers and speakers alike, this interactive teleseminar provides practical tools and expert advice for making any speech stand out. Learn from real examples of great speeches and get your specific questions answered.From putting the first words on the paper to delivering the wrap-up, you'll learn how to:- Use critical pieces of research to guide your writing.
- Deliver technical information in conversational terms.
- Get inside your deliverer's head and build on key ideas in their words.
- Connect with audience perceptions, interests and concerns.
- Incorporate memorable take-away messages that leave lasting impressions.Founded in 1983, The Communication Center/ Susan Peterson Productions Inc.  (www.susanpeterson.com) specializes in training, coaching and strategic counseling for media interviews, speeches, presentations and crisis situations.You Will Hear From:Gail Campbell Woolley, former executive speechwriter at Exxon Mobil Corporation and Jeff Strei, professional communication coach from The Communication Center/Susan Peterson Productions Inc.Register Today!PRSA Member: $150   Non-Member: $250 Click her for registration details: http://www.prsa.org/_Advance/seminars/021005flyer.pdf 
Cybersmear Campaigns: Staying Ahead of the Cyber-Chatter and How to Handle a Cyber-AttackFebruary 22, 20053:00 p.m. ETDuration: 1 hourA one-hour interactive teleseminar with Parry Aftab, president/CEO, Aftab CyberConsulting.Blogs, Web sites, discussion board posting, viral e-mail, smartmobs, IM campaigns and chat...there are many ways your reputation can be attacked online. Worried about phishing, spoofing and fraudulent e-mails masquerading as coming from your company? Staying ahead of the cyber-chatter, knowing where to look for early warning signs and what to do once you are under attack are crucial to public relations professionals. You can no longer ignore the risks of a cybersmear attack, especially when the offline media look to these sources for credible and early news. How do you provide information about your chief executives and key strategic partners without giving the attackers insight into how to attack them as well? There's a lot more to protecting your brand and reputation online than preventing denial of service and hacking attacks on your Web site. A well-placed message can pinball around the blogosphere faster than a speeding bullet and with far greater devastation. The time to plan for these attacks is long before the first one (or the next one) hits.- How can you set up an early-warning system?
- What if your brand is being used in an identity theft scheme?
- Which law enforcement agencies should be part of your team?
- Building a cyber-swat team.
- Understanding the technology - New Cybercommunications 101.
- Creating credibility online and with the influencers.
- What laws are impacted, and how can this be a doublewhammy for the company?
- The time to start building cybertrust is now, not in the middle of an attack.Register Today!PRSA Member: $150   Non-Member: $250 Click her for registration details:http://www.prsa.org/_Advance/seminars/022205flyer.pdf